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Netography Fusion® for Multi-Cloud Networks

Detect Activity that Should Never Happen in Your Multi-Cloud Network

Close the observability gaps that prevent you from detecting and responding to anomalous or malicious network activity in your cloud platforms.

When assets and workloads are spread across multiple cloud environments, a complex approach of using multiple cloud monitoring tools and multiple data collection and monitoring methods ends up introducing unnecessary risk and creates blind spots.

Traditional approaches to monitoring network activity within and between VPCs, VNets, and regions include:

  • Deploying multiple proprietary tools for aggregating cloud flow logs, monitoring, detecting, and investigating network activity from each platform vendor.
  • Deploying third-party tools that rely on outdated data collection techniques such as capture agents installed on each instance, virtual network taps, or traffic mirroring.
  • Manually stitching together data from these disparate approaches to attempt to identify cross-platform activity.

Fusion gives you a single cost-effective, unified view of anomalies, compromises, misconfigurations, and trust boundary violations within and across your VPCs, VNets, regions and multi-cloud network, before they can create business or operational risks.

Fusion is a security observability platform designed to deliver a very low number of high-fidelity, high-confidence alerts that your security, network, and cloud operations teams can act on.

It is a 100% SaaS platform that drives unmatched real-time awareness without the burden of deploying sensors, agents, or taps.

Read Our Solution Brief

Benefits At-a-Glance 

Reducing Cloud Risk

  • Achieve multi-cloud observability in a unified platform
  • Lower TCO with 100% SaaS architecture that eliminates sensors, taps, or agents
  • Accelerate response high-fidelity, high-confidence alerts
  • Consolidate detection and response to anomalies and compromises
  • Reduce operational risk with real-time notifications